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Agenda Item

Agenda Item A: Second Punic War

About the committee

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For centuries, the Roman Senate stood as the beating heart of Rome, a powerful assembly that shaped the destiny of an empire. Founded upon the principles of aristocracy and collective leadership, the Senate evolved over centuries, reflecting Rome's socio-political dynamics, expansionist ambitions, and enduring legacy. Comprising an elite assembly of patricians and later incorporating distinguished plebeians, the Senate wielded unparalleled influence in shaping Rome's legislative agenda, executive appointments, judicial oversight, and foreign policy. In addition, the Senate of Roman Republic guided and oversaw the military campaigns including the appointment of military commanders, deliberate upon military strategy, assessing intelligence reports, and even contributing to operational planning.


As the First Punic War concluded with Roman victory, thanks to the invaluable advice from the Senate, subsequent treaties laid the groundwork for the Second Punic War, setting the stage for renewed hostilities, geopolitical ambitions, and strategic rivalries between Rome and Carthage. While the First Punic War addressed immediate territorial disputes and naval dominance, unresolved grievances, power dynamics, and regional ambitions fuelled tensions, culminating in Hannibal's audacious military campaign and Rome's existential struggle for survival.


Now, the Senate is called to a session for the glory and continuity of the Senatus Populusque Romanus. Senators, once again, required to take the mantle of military commander, and devise plans of actions in order to ensure a decisive victory against Hannibal who threatens the heart of the Republic. Meanwhile, Senators also must keep the order in Rome and overcome domestic challenges.


Fabius Maximus Verrucosus

Marcus Claudius Marcellus 

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus 

Marcus Porcius Cato Gaius Flaminius Nepos

Lucius Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus 

Quintus Fulvius Flaccus

Marcus Livius Salinator 

Quintus Fabius Maximus


Titus Manlius Torquatus

Aulus Sempronius Longus

Decimus Junius Brutus

Lucius Valerius Flaccus

Spurius Postumius Albinus

Gaius Calpurnius Piso

Publius Sempronius Tuditanus

Decimus Junius Silanus

Gnaeus Servilius Caepio



Titus Quinctius Flaminius

Lucius Cornelius Lentulus

Gaius Atilius Regulus

Quintus Caecilius Metellus

Marcus Valerius Laevinus

Publius Cornelius Lentulus

Lucius Postumius Albinus

Decimus Flavius Varro

Marcus Aurelius Sabinus

Gaius Lucius Cassius

Quintus Horatius Pulvillus


Titus Valerius Messalla

Publius Licinius Crassus

Lucius Junius Balbus

Aulus Octavius Marcellinus

Spurius Volumnius Rutilus

Gnaeus Cornelius Rufinus

Aulus Terentius Varro

Titus Claudius Nero

Quintus Marcius Philippus

Gnaeus Manlius Torquatus


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